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Science of Breath: A Practical Guide to Breath and Prana – Swami Rama, Rudolph Ballentine, MD, Alan Hymes, MD


Siddhartha – Hermann Hesse

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Living with the Himalayan Masters – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD


Read the humbling story of the man who founded the Himalayan Institute, and the great teachers who molded him into a Himalayan Master.

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In this inspirational collection of stories, Swami Rama relates his experiences with the great teachers who guided his life, including Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, and Ramana Maharshi. It documents Swami Rama’s spiritual quest, which showed him that direct experience is the source of real knowledge.

Reading it, you will discover the human side to this yogic master. He is a young boy, full of mischief. He is a teenager, full of curiosity and adventurous zeal. He is a seeker, with certain strengths and weaknesses. Just like us, he sometimes fails to distinguish the fake gurus from genuine masters, mistaking magic for spiritual achievement.

Living with the Himalayan Masters is one of those rare books that contains the seeds of transformation within its pages—sowing those seeds in the heart of the reader, and creating the potential for true spiritual upliftment. These stories record Swami Rama’s personal quest for truth and enlightenment—inspiring, illuminating, entertaining, mystifying, and often droll and humorous.

This life-changing book will bring you face-to-face with some great twentieth-century masters, including Mataji of Assam, a ninety-six-year-old sage who never slept; Gudari Baba, who taught Swami Rama the value of direct experience; Yogi Sri Aurobindo, who integrated meditation with action; Uria Baba, who demonstrated that every human being has the potential for healing; and Mahatma Gandhi.

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